Fennon's Immaculate Steak Recipe

Generously rub your choice of steak with Fennon's Steak and Lamb Rub available here.

Allow steak to marinate in rub overnight and/or sit for 30 minutes.

Remove from fridge and allow steak to come to room temperature before cooking.

Add your choice of oil to cast iron grill pan.

Sear each side of the steak to your desired preference. 

For rare steak, cook 3 - 4 minutes each side (125 degrees).

For medium rare steak, cook 4 - 5 minutes each side (135 degrees).

For medium, cook 5 - 6 minutes each side (145 degrees).

For well done, cook until internal temperature reaches 160 degrees.

(Cooking times are approximate, depending on thickness of the steak).

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